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Publications (Show more...)

33 publications, 5434 citations. H-index: 22 ( Google Scholar, 30/10/2020 )


Training (Show more...)

Conferences (Show more...)

Educational support

Systems Biology (by Prof. Dr. Alisdair Fernie), Potsdam, Germany, Guest Lecture: Functional Annotation using Comparative Genomics and Transcriptomics

Agnieszka Krawczyk, Engineer in Biotechnology , specialization: Molecular Biotechnology and Technical Biochemistry. International Faculty of Engineering, Lodz University of Technology, Development of a transcriptome analysis pipeline

Functional Plant Genomics (by Dr. Pierre Hilson), Ghent, Belgium, Guest Lecture: Introduction: Comparative Genomics Using the PLAZA Platform

Christopher Scheerlinck, Master in Industrial Engineering: Informatics, HoGent, Integration and visualization of evolutionary genomics data within an online comparative genomics platform

Steven Timmermans, 1st Master in Biochemistry and Biotechnology, UGent, Homology identification through sequence similarity clustering of multidomain proteins

Comparative Genomics (by Prof. Dr. Klaas Vandepoele), Ghent, Belgium, Assisted practical courses

Marieke Dubois, 1st Master in Biochemistry and Biotechnology, UGent, Analysis of pseudogenes in Arabidopsis thaliana

Grants and Awards

VIB Scientists on Stage - Best Presentation

IWT Personal Fellowship, Funding from Flemish government to support doctoral research

WELEK Robotics Competition - Fourth Place Autonomous Sumo Robot

WELEK Robotics Competition - Fourth Place Light Finder

IWT Personal Fellowship, Funding from Flemish government to support doctoral research

Speculaas van de Maand - Award from the city council of Hasselt

International Biology Olympiad - Bronze Medal Minsk, Belarus

Flemish Biology Olympiad - First Place

Skills (hover over for more info)

Programming: Python
Check out my GitHub repository for examples!
, R
Used for metabolite analysis in Swiadek et al.
The CakePHP framework was used for PLAZA.
PlasmidDB is based on CodeIgniter.
, JavaScript
Used in PLAZA and extensively for CoNekT.
ReactJS was used for smaller projects in my GitHub repository : MemoBoard and Pomodoro Timer
System Administration: MySQL
Used extensively for PLAZA and for CoNekT.
, Linux
All web-tools and scientific software I've worked on is designed to run on Linux
I've taught the Linux for Biologists course for a Doctoral School type program.
, Cluster/Cloud computing
Required to generate data for PLAZA, testing and developing i-ADHoRe 3.0.
Also check out LSTrAP


Dutch, Mothertongue

English, Fluent

German, intermediate (CEFR level: B2/1)

French, intermediate