1 patent, 42 publications, 8557 citations. H-index : 31
Means and methods to diagnose gut flora dysbiosis and inflammation. Patent: WO2022073973A1 (2022)
J. Raes, S. Proost, G. Falony, S. Vieira-Silva, N. J. Timpson, D. A. Hughes
Google PatentsFPOBeyond the Norm: epidemiology of irritable bowel syndrome and mental health among sexual and gender-diverse young adults in a large representative cohort. Gastroenterology (2024)
E. Bootsma*, L. Jansen*, K. van Houte, R. C. Kessler, J. Tack , R. Bruffaerts, Gut-Brain Interactions – WHO – World Mental Health International College Student Initiative Working Group [W. Voorspoels, S. Proost, P. Mortier, G. Kiekens, J. Alonso, J. Raes, G. Falony, S. Vieira-Silva, L. van Oudenhove, P. Cuijpers, R. P. Auerbach]
GastroenterologyAssociations of HIV and iron status with gut microbiota composition, gut inflammation, and gut integrity in South African school-age children: A two-way factorial case-control study. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics (2023)
C. Goosen*, S. Proost*, J. Baumgartner, K. Mallick, R. Y. Tito, S. L. Barnabas, M. F. Cotton, M. B. Zimmermann, J. Raes, R. Blaauw
JHNDMood disorders in higher education in Flanders during the 2nd COVID-19 wave: Prevalence and help-seeking: Findings from the Flemish College Surveys (FLeCS). Journal of Psychiatric Research (2023)
E. Bootsma*, L. Jansen*, G. Kiekens, W. Voorpoels, P. Mortier, S. Proost, I. van de Poel, K. Jacobs, K. Demyttenaere, J. Alonso, R. C. Kessler, P. Cuijpers, R. P. Auerbach and R. Bruffaerts
Journal of Psychiatric ResearchLong-term life history predicts current gut microbiome in a population-based cohort study. Nature Aging (2022)
J. Si, J. F. Vázquez-Castellanos, A. C. Gregory, L. Decommer, L. Rymenans, S. Proost, J. Centelles Lodeiro, M. Weger, M. Notdurfter, C. Leitner, P. Santer, G. Rungger, J. Willeit, P. Willeit, R. Pechlaner, F. Grabherr, S. Kiechl, H. Tilg and J. Raes
Nature AgingHigh-energy level metabolism and transport revealed at the transition from close to open flowers. Plant Physiology (2022)
M. Borghi, L. Perez de Souza, T. Tohge, J. Mi, G. Melandri, S. Proost, M. Martins, S. Al-Babili, H. Bouwmeester and A. Fernie
Plant PhysiologyThe effect of ß-glucan prebiotic on kidney function, uremic toxins and gut microbiome in stage 3 to 5 chronic kidney disease (CKD) predialysis participants: a randomized controlled trial. Nutrients (2022)
Z. Ebrahim*, S. Proost*, R. Y. Tito, J. Raes, G. Glorieux, M. R. Moosa and R. Blaauw
MDPIThe effect of oral iron supplementation on the gut microbiota, gut inflammation, and iron status in iron-depleted South African school-age children with virally suppressed HIV and without HIV. European Journal of Nutrition (2022)
C. Goosen*, S. Proost*, R. Y. Tito, J. Baumgartner, S. L. Barnabas, M. F. Cotton, M. B. Zimmermann, J. Raes and R. Blaauw
Springer LinkTopology of the redox network during induction of photosynthesis as revealed by time-resolved proteomics in tobacco. Science Advances (2021)
D. Zimmer, C. Swart, A. Graf, S. Arrivault, M. Tillich, S. Proost, Z. Nikoloski, M. Stitt, R. Bock, T. Mühlhaus and A. Boulouis
Science AdvancesComparative transcriptomic analysis reveals conserved transcriptional programs underpinning organogenesis and reproduction in land plants. Nature Plants (2021)
I. Julca, C. Ferrari, M. Flores-Tornero, S. Proost, A.-C. Lindner, ... , J. D. Becker and M. Mutwil
PubMedKingdom-wide analysis of the evolution of the plant type III polyketide synthase superfamily. Plant Physiology (2021)
T. Naake, H. A. Maeda, S. Proost, T. Takayuki, A. R. Fernie
PubMedStatin therapy is associated with lower prevalence of gut microbiota dysbiosis. Nature (2020)
S. Vieira-Silva, G. Falony, E. Belda, T. Nielsen, J. Aron-Wisnewsky, R. Chakaroun, S. K. Forslund, K. Assmann, M. Valles-Colomer, T. T. D. Nguyen, S. Proost, ... , K. Clément and J. Raes
PubMedA novel seed plants gene regulates oxidative stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (2019)
N. Sujeeth, N. Mehterov, S. Gupta, M. K. Qureshi, A. Fischer, S. Proost, M. A. Omidbakhshfard, T. Obata, M. Benina, N. Staykov, S. Balazadeh, D. Walther, A. R. Fernie, B. Mueller-Roeber, J. Hille, T. S. Gechev
PubMedAppropriate thiamin pyrophosphate levels are required for acclimation to changes in photoperiod. Plant Physiology (2019)
L. Rosado-Souza, S. Proost, M. Moulin, S. Bergmann, S. Bocobza, A. Aharoni, T. B. Fitzpatrick, M. Mutwil, A. R. Fernie, T. Obata
PubMedKingdom-wide comparison reveals the evolution of diurnal gene expression in Archaeplastida. Nature Communications (2019)
C. Ferrari, S. Proost, M. Janowski, J. Becker, Z. Nikoloski, D. Bhattacharya, D. Price, T. Tohge, A. Bar-Even, A. Fernie, M. Stitt, M. Mutwil
PubMedTranscriptomics of manually isolated Amborella trichopoda egg apparatus cells. Plant Reproduction (2019)
M. Flores-Tornero, S. Proost, M. Mutwil, C. P. Scutt, T. Dresselhaus, S. Sprunck
PubMedMulti‐tissue integration of transcriptomic and specialized metabolite profiling provides tools for assessing the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) metabolome. The Plant Journal (2018)
L. Perez de Souza, F. Scossa, S. Proost, E. Bitocchi, R Papa, T. Tohge, A. R. Fernie
PubMedCoNekT: an open-source framework for comparative genomic and transcriptomic network analyses. Nucleic Acids Research (2018)
S. Proost, M. Mutwil
PubMedGitHubPhytoNet: Comparative co-expression network analyses across phytoplankton and land plants. Nucleic Acids Research (2018)
C. Ferrari, S. Proost, C. Ruprecht, M. Mutwil
PubMedAtRsgA from Arabidopsis thaliana controls maturation of the small subunit of the chloroplast ribosome. The Plant Journal (2018)
M. Janowski, R. Zoschke, L Scharff, S. Martinez Jaime, C. Ferrari, S. Proost, N. Omranian, M. Musialak-Lange, Z. Nikoloski, A. Graf, M. A. Schottler, A. Sampathkumar, N. Vaid, M. Mutwil
PubMedLSTrAP: efficiently combining RNA sequencing data into co-expression networks. BMC Bioinformatics (2017)
S. Proost, A. Krawczyk, M. Mutwil
PubMedGitHubExpression atlas and comparative co-expression network analyses reveal important genes involved in the formation of lignified cell wall in Brachypodium distachyon. New Phytologist (2017)
R. Sibout, S. Proost, B. Hansen, N. Vaid, F. Giorgi, S. Ho-Yue-Kuang, F. Legée, L. Cezart, O. Bouchabké-Coussa, C. Soulhat, N. Provart, A. Pasha, P. Le Bris, E. Jamet, D. Roujol, H. Hoefte, C. Lapierre, S. Persson, M. Mutwil
PubMedPhylogenomic analysis of gene co-expression networks reveals evolution of functional modules. The Plant Journal (2017)
C. Ruprecht, S. Proost, M. Hernandez-Coronado, C. Ortiz-Ramirez, D. Lang, S. A. Rensing, J. D. Becker, K. Vandepoele, M. Mutwil
PubMedBeyond genomics: studying evolution with gene networks. Trends in Plant Science (2017)
C. Ruprecht, N. Vaid, S. Proost, S. Persson, M. Mutwil
PubMedPlaNet: Comparative Co-Expression Network Analyses for Plants. Plant Genomics Databases (Book Chapter) (2017)
S. Proost, M.Mutwil
PubMedNovel allelic variants in ACD6 cause hybrid necrosis in local collection of Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist (2017)
M. Swiadek*, S. Proost*, D. Sieh, J. Yu, M. Todesco, C. Jorzig, A. E. Rodriguez Cubillos, B. Ploetner, Z. Nikoloski, E. Chae, P. Giavalisco, A. Fischer, F. Schroeder, S.-T. Kim, D. Weigel, R.A.E. Laitinen
PubMedTools of the trade: studying molecular networks in plants. Current Opinion in Plant Biology (2016)
S. Proost, M.Mutwil
PubMedGrowth-regulating factors (GRFs): a small transcription factor family with important functions in plant biology. Molecular Plant (2015)
M. A. Omidbakhshfard, S. Proost, U. Fujikura, B. Mueller-Roeber
PubMedThe genome sequence of the orchid Phalaenopsis equestris. Nature Genetics (2015)
J. Cai*, X. Liu*, K. Vanneste*, S. Proost*, W.-C. Tsai*, K.-W. Liu*, ..., Y. Van de Peer, and Z.-J. Liu
PubMedPLAZA 3.0: an access point for plant comparative genomics. Nucleic Acids Research (2014)
S. Proost*, M. Van Bel*, D. Vaneechoutte, Y. Van de Peer, D. Inzé, B. Mueller-Roeber, and K. Vandepoele
PubMedLinkReversal of senescence by N resupply to N-starved Arabidopsis thaliana: transcriptomic and metabolomic consequences. Journal of Experimental Botany (2014)
S. Balazadeh, J. Schildhauer, W. L. Araújo, S. Munné-Bosch, A. R Fernie, S. Proost, K. Humbeck, and B. Mueller-Roeber
PubMedTRAPID: an efficient online tool for the functional and comparative analysis of de novo RNA-Seq transcriptomes. Genome Biology (2013)
M. Van Bel, S. Proost, C. Van Neste, D. Deforce, Y. Van de Peer, and K. Vandepoele
PubMedLinkFLOWERING LOCUS C in monocots and the tandem origin of angiosperm-specific MADS-box genes. Nature Communications (2013)
P. Ruelens, R. A. de Maagd, S. Proost, G. Theißen, K. Geuten, and K. Kaufmann
PubMedGamma paleohexaploidy in the stem lineage of core eudicots: significance for MADS-Box gene and species diversification. Molecular Biology and Evolution (2012)
D. Vekemans*, S. Proost*, K. Vanneste, H. Coenen, T. Viaene, P. Ruelens, S. Maere, Y. Van de Peer, and K. Geuten
PubMedDissecting plant genomes with the PLAZA comparative genomics platform. Plant Physiology (2012)
M. Van Bel*, S. Proost*, E. Wischnitzki, S. Mohavedi, C. Scheerlinck, Y. Van de Peer, and K. Vandepoele
PubMedLinki-ADHoRe 3.0 - fast and sensitive detection of genomic homology in extremely large data sets. Nucleic Acids Research (2012)
S. Proost*, J. Fostier*, D. De Witte, B. Dhoedt, P. Demeester, Y. Van de Peer, and K. Vandepoele
PubMedGitHubThe Medicago genome provides insight into the evolution of rhizobial symbioses. Nature (2011)
N. D. Young, F. Debelle, G. Oldroyd, R. Geurts, S. B. Cannon, M. K. Udvardi, V. A. Benedito, K. F. X. Mayer, J. Gouzy, H. Schoof, Y. Van de Peer, S. Proost, D. R. Cook, ..., D. C. Schwartz, J. Rogers, F. Quetier, C. D. Town, and B. A. Roe
PubMedJourney through the past: 150 million years of plant genome evolution. The Plant Journal (2011)
S. Proost, P. Pattyn, T. Gerats, and Y. Van de Peer
PubMedA greedy, graph-based algorithm for the alignment of multiple homologous gene lists. Bioinformatics (2011)
J. Fostier*, S. Proost*, B. Dhoedt, Y. Saeys, P. Demeester, Y. Van de Peer, and K. Vandepoele
PubMedGitHubThe genome of the domesticated apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.). Nature genetics (2010)
R. Velasco, A. Zharkikh, J. Affourtit, A. Dhingra, A. Cestaro, A. Kalyanaraman, P. Fontana, S. K. Bhatnagar, M. Troggio, D. Pruss, ..., J. A. Fawcett, S. Proost, P. Rouze, L. Sterck, S. Toppo, B. Lazzari, R. P. Hellens, C. E. Durel, A. Gutin, R. E. Bumgarner, S. E. Gardiner, M. Skolnick, M. Egholm, Y. Van de Peer, F. Salamini, and R. Viola
PubMedThe flowering world: a tale of duplications. Trends in Plant Science (2009)
Y. Van de Peer, J. A. Fawcett, S. Proost, L. Sterck, and K. Vandepoele
PubMedPLAZA: a comparative genomics resource to study gene and genome evolution in plants. The Plant Cell (2009)
S. Proost*, M. Van Bel*, L. Sterck, K. Billiau, T. Van Parys, Y. Van de Peer, and K. Vandepoele
PubMedLinkPredicting protein-protein interactions in Arabidopsis thaliana through integration of orthology, gene ontology and co-expression. BMC Genomics (2009)
S. De Bodt, S. Proost, K. Vandepoele, P. Rouze, and Y. Van de Peer